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Drop Wizard Tower


Destroy monster in Drop Wizard Tower

Join expeditions in the castle in the Drop Wizard Tower game. You must control a witch character who needs to destroy all the monsters in the castle.

Your castle is being invaded by mushroom monsters. Your task is to control wizard characters to destroy them. These mushroom monsters are surrounded by poison, so don't attack them directly. When you hit these monsters directly you will be killed by their poison. You can only destroy them by standing far away and throwing darts at the mushrooms. After killing all the mushrooms, the last boss will appear, and you will destroy the last boss to complete the mission. You will have 5 lives for each play, when you use all 5 lives the game will end. You only have 2 options to fail or pass the level.

How to control: Use the arrow keys.

Play Drop Wizard Tower on several levels

You will be playing this game on many levels. The levels of the game will automatically be forwarded when you complete the previous mission. You can't choose the level you want, you have to complete it according to the transition level of the game. Complete all missions to unlock all game missions.