Do not miss the exciting challenges in the game Lines to fill. In this game, you will have to draw lines and fill the cells to pass the level.
In this game, your task is to fill in the empty cells. You will not be able to draw freely, you have to draw starting from a fixed point of the game. A grid can have multiple starting points. You can draw lines you like but they overlap. Sometimes your lines are blocked by starting points, give up on that line and continue with another starting point. After you have filled the empty cells on the grid, you can pass the level.
How to control: Use the mouse to draw the line.
Your mission will take place on many different levels. Each level will be a grid with a different number of empty cells. You need to complete the tasks in the previous levels to be able to open the tasks in the later levels. The hard of the tasks will increase gradually through each level. The first levels are just for you to be familiar with the mechanics of the game. The missions at the higher levels are really challenging.